
Hey, I'm Jordan Taylor. In my free time I like to hunt for fishing lures and go hiking with my dogs. You may catch me flying a drone or tinkering with electronics from time to time too. I love solving problems, especially when I can help others. I am self-motivated and I appreciate when my efforts are recognized. I continually seek feedback to feasibly meet customer needs. I am motivated by opportunities to grow my skills and am on the constant lookout for new things to learn.

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Jordan Taylor

Jordan Taylor


A web app for players to track their score and order drinks—a software development group project for USU.

Check it out

Caine College
of the Arts

A website I worked on for USU, an amazing engineering school and my alma mater.

Check it out

USU Site

Arts Access homepage updated in Bootstrap 4 Arts Access homepage in Bootstrap 3
Bootstrap v3
Bootstrap v4

Arts Access

Visit Site
URPD homepage updated in Bootstrap 4 URPD homepage in Bootstrap 3
Bootstrap v3
Bootstrap v4


Site Retired

Latest Projects

  • Hello World ASL

    An open source website and educational tool for learning sign language. Touch the hand for a preview.

    See full project
    right hand
  • Permafrost

    A portfolio site for post-production video editing with embedded YouTube videos.

    See full project
    Permafrost Productions homepage
  • Personal

    A digital gallery showcasing a broad range of my personal art projects.

    See full project

Contact Me